Top 26 eBook Title Ideas with High Demand in Nigeria

See the top 26 eBook title ideas with high demand in Nigeria and other countries.  This is part of a lesson on how to make money selling eBooks online.  In this blog, I have been teaching people legitimate ways to make money online from scratch and one of the idea is information marketing. This is where eBooks come into play.

Nigerians buy eBooks a lot but not on all topics.

One of my blog reader once complained that no one is buying his eBooks after one year of launch.

I asked him – what’s the topic?  He replied with a list of eBook topics,  including “History of Nigeria”. I asked him, who wants to read history of Nigeria now when everyone in the country is looking for ways to survive in this hard economy?

For God’s sake, Nigerians need something that will help them to live happily and not uninteresting history.  Don’t quote me wrong here, I am not saying that knowing our history is bad, but the timing is wrong.

The topic itself is a joke. History of Nigeria?  Besides, this information is readily available everywhere.  Just visit Wikipedia and you’ll be amazed with the bunch of information you’ll find.  Now consider this, If the information is available everywhere,  why will someone then go ahead to buy it with money?

Again,  many eBooks that sell well in the Western countries like the US or UK may not strive well in Nigeria because of serious demographic differences.

Hey!  Nigerians will not buy your eBooks because you have written it.  Rather,  they  have to be on a topics that interest people who need such information.  So the question is,  what eBook title sell well in Nigeria?  

The answer is simple – study the population and come up with a product that will solve their immediate and future problems.  These will be products that will typically help them to make money, save money, increase their chances of getting a good job and stay healthy. Outside these, you are on your own. 

I have personally made some research and come up with nice 26 eBook title ideas that you can adopt now. You can pick any of the topic and begin the write on them or pick a ready-made PLR copy and sell.

Please note: these eBook title topics are not ranked according to popularity. All of them are in high demand currently in Nigeria.  So make sure you choose a topic that you know very well and can come up with a good information product.

Now… Let’s begin

Top 26 eBook Title Ideas with High Demand in Nigeria

Top 26 eBook Title Ideas with High Demand in Nigeria

1. Internet Business Ideas

2. Cooking tips

3. Important Guide

4. Health Tips ( like diabetes cure,  malaria  etc.) 

5. Money doubling tips (like sport betting,  MMM,  or forex)

6. Business Setup Guides ( like how to start petrol  filling station in Nigeria) 

8. Exportation Guides

9. Erectile dysfunction Cure

10. Ankara fashion Magazine

11. Blogging Business

12. Free browsing guide

13. Travel abroad Guide

14. Food Processing Tips

15. Food packaging guide

16. Licensing and Registration guide (like NAFDAC registration guide) 

17. Past questions (like job interview past question,  scholarship etc) 

18. House Keeping guides

19. Weight loss / gain Tips

20. Public speaking / presentation guides

21. Admission Guide

22. Prayer Points

22. Skills acquisitions – cake making,  confectioneries, even management, soap making,  insecticide making, etc.

23. Farming tips: poultry,  piggery,  fishery,  bee keeping,  goat farming, cattle rearing etc.  

24. Business proposals and feasibility studies

25. Marketing ideas and business success guides

26. Job search tips

Any eBook with any of these title will sell like water if you have good marketing strategies.

Please Note: These topics may even be broader than you imagine. What I mean is that  there are micro topics inside them. If you look at each of them keenly,  you’ll discover hidden micro topics that you can adopt to write your eBook now.

Hope you like this insights?  Share it and remain blessed.

By Ifiokobong

Ifiokobong Ibanga is a life coach, a mentor and an inspirational speaker. He like testing ideas to find out what works. Sure, he has made substantial income online, so he's knowledgeable enough to teach you. Hookup with Ifiokobong Ibanga on Instagram .

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